Five Haiku Poems: Fair Game

Illustration by Poet Rummager

She’s a sitting duck.
He hears her heart’s pulsation.
You can’t hide from me. 

Deft are his fingers
as he aims the honed arrow.
It soars steadily.

Point meets its target.
She gasps from the shock attack.
Unbearable pain.

Blood pours from her wound.
Stitches will never mend her.
She’s forever maimed.

Cupid clucks his tongue.
Love’s a persistent hunter.
Mortals are fair game.

My work was inspired by a thrilling poem by my friend, Ivor.
Visit his poetry, Times’s Awry, by clicking HERE!

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Ivor is the cutie on the far left. Dig those shoes!


  1. Those we love have the power to hurt us the most. I sometime think Cupid is a malicious bitch…for sure it has a wicked sense of humor. 🖤😁
    Love your pierced heart illustration also.
    Now, me thinks I’d best hide my letter opener…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the poem but wonder why I feel so bad for her. I mean love is a good thing, celebrated, right? But I wanted Cupid to miss his mark. Maybe because it seems forced. But then again, at times I feel as though there are.t enough Cupids in the world spreading their magic. We are perplexing are,t we… jc

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hmm. You’ve made a few good points, JC. Cupid has both a generous and impish nature, I believe. He spreads love but never guarantees it’s without pain or that it’s even of the true variety. Gods love watching mortals squirm. It’s a sport to them! Thanks for visiting and sharing your brilliant insights. 💜


  3. That arrow! Cupid doesn’t miss, does he? But he likes a bit of mischief.
    I started thinking of the word “game,” as in one might shoot game, but it can also be something played, and then fair can have multiple meanings, too.
    And then I thought of the Stevie Wonder song (that I love), “All is Fair in Love.”
    So thank you for setting my mind off in tangents. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. That arrow! Cupid doesn’t miss, does he? But he likes a bit of mischief.
    I started thinking of the word “game,” as in one might shoot game, but it can also be something played, and then fair can have multiple meanings, too.
    And then I thought of the Stevie Wonder song (that I love), “All is Fair in Love.”
    So thank you for setting my mind off in tangents.
    visit :

    Liked by 1 person

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