Fires of Hades



The horse was affright

as fires of Hades scorched it.

Hypnos rides tonight.


*Hypnos is a Greek god of the Underworld.

(Image from


My haiku was inspired by FlyTrapMan’s mesmerizing microfilm,

Dead Things: The Bridge Between Life and Death.  Watch and enjoy it below!

A MicroFilm by FTM Moving Pictures

Would you cross this bridge

not knowing what lies in wait

on the other side?


  1. Go, Hypnos! This describes my Saturday morning perfectly. Hope you’re having a good one. I was dragged to the underworld to sleep off the exhaustion of the previous week. I only dreamed of finishing some painting projects.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Lol! Saturday is looking pretty good here. I’m sorry you haven’t finished your projects, but I’m sure you’ll have those completed soon. Sounds like you kept Hypnos company; he is the god of sleep 😉 Thanks for visiting!!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Ah, it’s a zombie horse! I was confused since it was referred as a “dead” horse in the film. I thought it was like someone saying, “Oooh, now you’re dead!” — as in, “I’m going to kill you.” Sorry, I’m quite slow.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. So the Lord of Hell still rides a horse! I thought he would would have switched over to a helicopter by now. maybe it is an occasional pleasure ride.The picture and the haiku go very well ..but the Lord has chosen to be invisible.

    Liked by 1 person

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