Necklace of Dew Drops




died from

a broken heart

under a fallen tree

where spiders found her

and took pity on the young girl –

weaving her a gown of leaves and a necklace






*Beautiful photo of rain or dew drops on a spiderweb by FlyTrapMan.


  1. Brilliant photo, brilliant piece P.R. ❤

    Wrote a piece about nature using the same form some time ago with a friend but, I wouldn't upload it incase she's uncomfortable with it 🙂

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  2. Bravo!!! Talk about a cascade of emotions!!!! I believe this poem could transform those who might have been indifferent in the past to a new awakening of compassion. All we really have in this world is each other. This might help create new perspectives as people hear and see others in need. (You can’t see it, but I am giving you a standing ovation 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sure missed you, Dr. J!!! I know these have been somber times for you and your family, so I’m honored to find you visiting here. I love your mantra of compassion and see how you always work that into your wonderful posts. Do sit down; no standing ovation needed — but do continue clapping (you can always clap sitting down!). 😀 THANK YOU so much. Wishing you and your family all the very best ❤

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  3. That’s beautiful and tragic at the same time. I’ve also been looking at the tree and trying to decide if its Abies alba or Alies nordmanniana. (I hope you appreciate this comment required some Googling on my part.)

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